Greater Choices for the Smartest Services in Cremation

cremation insurance

Do you want to build a capital dedicated to the financing of your funeral? It is the choice of more than 4.5 million people who have signed a funeral contract. Beyond covering funeral expenses, it helps relieve your loved ones and support them in their procedures when the time comes. But each contract is different, whether it is the rates or the levels of guarantees. So how do you choose your funeral insurance? The guarantees of your funeral contract: what should you watch out for? The use of cremation insurance comes perfectly there.

When you compare the offers with each other, important details should be checked:

cremation insurance

The amount of the guaranteed capital: this is what will be paid to your loved ones upon death. He must cover the costs of the funeral, which varies according to the burial (cremation or burial), the coffin, the place, etc. So you need to assess what fits your wishes. To help you, check out sample rates from funeral directors.

The waiting period: it is not systematically present in all contracts. If it exists, it can vary between 1 and 2 years depending very often on your state of health.

Your state of health: according to the contracts, you may be required to complete a health questionnaire, or even make a medical visit.

Additional guarantees: certain contracts offer, in addition to funeral funding, assistance services or support for relatives for formalities and organization. Also, look at whether the repatriation of the body is guaranteed and what is expected if the death takes place far from home.

Exclusion cases: all the guarantees in the funeral contract may not apply in specific situations. Do not forget to consult them before any subscription.

Funeral contract: find out about the contribution terms

Single payment: you pay in one go.

Temporary payment: you pay your contributions regularly over a period defined in advance. Be careful to check while the contributions do not increase during the contract.

The lifetime contribution: it is paid throughout your life. This is calculated based on your age at the time of subscription and the amount of capital desired. Don’t hesitate to ask your insurer for a quote for each payment method it offers.

Note: you can terminate your contract at any time and request the redemption of your funeral contract. You will then recover part of the contributions you have made. You can also request a reduction to end your payments. In this case, you remain protected in proportion to what you have already paid.

To help you choose the best funeral insurance

Nothing better than comparing: You will find dedicated online comparators. You will thus have access to the guarantees of each contract. It’s easier to decide.

Have you made your decision?

You still have to choose your beneficiary. It is he who will be in charge of the funeral and who will receive the capital to which you have subscribed, up to the cost of the funeral. If you wish, you can directly designate a funeral director. Also, check that you can easily change the beneficiary during the contract. Finally, we advise you to inform your loved ones of your subscription to a funeral contract. They will know which approach to take when the time comes.